Spider Scratch Guitar Player Right Hand Exercise

The Spider Scratch Guitar Player Right Hand exercise is a great exercise to strengthen and reinforce movements in the right hand fingers.  This exercise is also excellent for increasing finger independence in the right hand.  Perform this exercise before practice to help reduce strain and pain in the fingers and any time you have a chance to increase strength, finger independence, and reinforce proper finger movement.  You can download a free, printable .pdf for this exercise here: Spider-Scratch-Guitar-Player-Right-Hand-Exercise.pdf or right click and save the image below.

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Spider Scratch Right Hand Finger Guitar Player Exercise

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Plant your fingers on a flat surface with your fingers curved.  Spread them out and keep your hand raised.

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Gently, pull your finger back towards your hand like you would when scratching an itch.  Allow the joint just above the fingernail to break and fold in.

Click on the image to view larger.
Continue to pull the finger back up toward the palm.  Keep the rest of your hand relaxed and the other fingers firmly planted.

Click on the image to view larger.
Re-plant your finger and repeat this exercise five times for each finger and the thumb.

Serving Battle Ground, WA and the surrounding Clark County area.

Ross School of Classical Guitar and Acoustic Guitar Boutique
Battle Ground, Washington  (360) 597-2597
Serving the area of Battle Ground, Camas, Brush Prairie, Vancouver, Clark County Washington, and Portland Oregon.  Please call or email to schedule a visit!